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PrefaceĀ : In this blog I will try to cover my overall development and community experience in the organization CircuitVerse during the first two weeks during Google Summer of Code 2021

About My ProjectĀ šŸ“š

I am currently working on the project titled Integration of CircuitVerse with LMS Platforms under Google Summer of Code 2021, the main goal of the project is to develop a solution such that Teachers and Students who uses CircuitVerse for their day to day academic works can use CircuitVerse platform from inside their favourite Learning Management System Platforms like (Moodle, Canvas etcĀ .)

Major Challenges FacedĀ šŸ–„

The main challenge that I faced during the planning of the project is to develop a method which will be not very platform (different LMSs) specific rather we have brainstormed on how to develop a common solution such that major of the LMSs can be integrated with CircuitVerse

Solution of the ProblemĀ šŸŒŽ

As different LMSs provides different type of APIs, so integration via API is not an choice rather we have planned to use the LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) method by which we can make our platform an LTI Provider such that different LMS can be connected with CircuitVerse as per the choice of the Student/Teachers.

Things which Iā€™ve learnedĀ šŸš€

In this period I have learned the following things which are helping me for day to day development experience.

  1. I have learned more about ruby on railsĀ , and also some of the best practises for developing on rails
  2. Learned about the IMS Global LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) consortiumĀ , which we are following to make the CircuitVerse an LTI provider for the various LTI supported LMSs.
  3. I have discovered the ruby gem ims-lti which is very helpful and made our workload less for our development goals.
  4. learned about the i18n flow and how hardcoded strings can be avoided during development and how to integrate various languages in one single application with i18n.
  5. Learned about how to write rspec based tests such that our code can be tested before any fatal thing happens.

What NextĀ šŸš“šŸ»

For now I am solely responsible for the timely development of the project and also writing proper documentation of my development works, and currently my main goal is to complete the work in time over the period of GSoC.

and here is my contribution graph of my organizationĀ , and hoping to see more green dots in this.

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